We have been known as the Polymer Physics group for a long time ~ 20 years. However given the breadth and diversity in our research we have decided to rebadge ourselves. We still love polymer physics and think that it has substantial overlap and huge importance to the many materials / biological physics problems that we are interested in.

These include;
Organic photovoltaics, polymer surface/interface physics, antibacterial/biocidal surfaces, block copolymers, self-assembly, polymer nanocomposites, thin films (diffusion/dynamics), biophotonics/structural colour and tomography
We love to use neutron and X-ray scattering techniques (amongst many other techniques) as these give us the ability to look at many of our systems under ambient conditions and give us the level of structural information we need. We have worked and continue to work with many great scientists at the Rutherford Labs (UK), the ILL (Institute Laue Langevin) and the ESRF in Grenoble and also further afield.